Embark on an extraordinary adventure with Felix the Cat, the iconic feline hero, as he sets out on a thrilling quest that will take him to the far corners of the world! Armed with his trusty Magic Bag of Tricks, …
Revue Starlight: El Dorado-EMPRESS
In Revue Starlight: El Dorado, get ready to embark on an exhilarating adventure through the vast ocean! Developed by Frontwing and published by Bushiroad Games, this visually stunning visual novel is based on the acclaimed multimedia project, Revue Starlight.
Prepare …
Step into the enchanting world of Ichima-san, a mesmerizing stealth action adventure that will transport you to the heart of ancient Japan.
Will you have the skill and cunning to navigate the stealthy halls of the house undetected, or will …
Overdrive Warfare-EMPRESS
In this intense and immersive game, you will step into the boots of a highly trained soldier, armed to the teeth with cutting-edge weaponry and advanced gadgets. As you navigate through realistic and meticulously designed war-torn landscapes, every decision you …
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition-EMPRESS
Get ready to take to the skies and join the ranks of elite fighter pilots in the thrilling Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Deluxe Edition! This action-packed game, available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, will send your adrenaline pumping as …
Penny Blood: Hellbound-EMPRESS
Get ready to embark on a heart-racing journey through the shadowy depths of Penny Blood: Hellbound! This gripping roguelike adventure will twist your perceptions of good and evil as you battle your way through a macabre and otherworldly prison.
Venture …
Eternal Exodus-EMPRESS
Embark on an otherworldly adventure that will test your bravery and strategic skills in Eternal Exodus, the ultimate monster-catching RPG set in the eerie realms of the afterlife. Prepare to be captivated by a tale of redemption, as you play …
Ricochet Rodeo-EMPRESS
Get ready to ride into the wild, wild west in Ricochet Rodeo – the most intense pixel-packed shooting showdown on the plains! It’s time to don your cowboy hat, saddle up, and prove that you’re the fastest shooter this side …
Kusan: City of Wolves-EMPRESS
In the gritty and perilous underworld of Kusan: City of Wolves, you will face a deadly conspiracy that threatens to tear the city apart. As a battle-hardened warrior with a shadowy past, it’s up to you to protect an innocent …
Lord Ambermaze-EMPRESS
Embark on a mesmerizing adventure in the enchanting world of Lord Ambermaze! As time stands still and the fate of existence hangs in the balance, only you can break the oppressive chains that bind this stagnant realm. Are you ready …